Photographs. Top: McAllister, James, 1869-1952. The Reid family outside their slab hut home, Whangamomona. Ref: 1/2-065619-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. From left to right: Unidentified family group outdoors, showing a man, woman and nine children, probably Christchurch district. Maclay, Adam Henry Pearson, 1873-1955 :Negatives. Ref: 1/1-026288-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Sydney Burns and family. Allen, Lillian, fl 1945 : Photographs of Sydney Burns and family. Ref: PAColl-6807-2. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Group of women and children outside the house of coal miner Thomas Donaldson, Denniston Hill, West Coast - Photograph taken by John Pascoe. National Archives of New Zealand : Photographs of coal miners' houses at Burnetts Face, and Denniston Hill, West Coast. Ref: PAColl-D-0817-3. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.